
Cultural Heritage And Development

A Framework For Action In The Middle East And North Africa

نبذة عن الكتاب

This book analyzes the cultural heritage sector in the Middle East and North Africa region and the World Bank's policy and operational experiences in this sector over the past six years—1996 to 2001. It also provides a description and an analysis of the experience of the Middle East and North Africa region in supporting patrimony preservation and outlines its strategy and options for future activities in this area. This volume offers operational suggestions for addressing some of the cultural, economic, institutional and financial problems of integrating patrimony management within development frameworks.

رقم الISBN 9780821349380
تصنيفات لا يوجد
رقم الطلب مكتبة الكونجرس DS57 C82 2001
الوصف 102 p. : ill.
سنة الإصدار 2001
مراجع ببليوغرافية؟ لا
subject_corporate World Bank.
اسم الناشر World Bank - Middle East And North Africa Region
سنة النشر 2001
مكان النشر Washington, D.C.
اللغة English
هل هو سلسلة؟ نعم
اسم السلسلة Orientations In Development.

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